Ribbon and paddle mixers

The Rosal mixers are designed to be durable and require minimal maintenance.

They facilitate effective homogenization with various products in the animal feed and chemical industry, achieving high production efficiency in reduced mixing times.


Propellers of a mixer in the Rosal production plant


Tape mixer

The rotor, machined and balanced both dynamically and statically, is equipped with two opposing belts or propellers, ensuring efficient and balanced performance.
The helices are supported at the ends by a double row roller system, providing stability and reducing friction.
In addition, it has a quick unloading system by means of a pneumatically operated sliding lock.


Paddle mixer

Rosal has a wide range of models of paddle mixers, from 50 to 16,000 liters.

Unlike the helix mixer, the body of the blade mixer is cylindrical, adapting to the path of the rotor along the entire vertical axis.

The paddle mixer is designed with a bolted, adjustable and interchangeable paddle rotor, which allows for great versatility and adaptability in the mixing process.

Rosal paddle mixer in the production plant

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Related machinery

Double shaft paddle mixer

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Turbulence mixer

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